Technical Articles

What is EN ISO 27195:2011

1. Introduction

EN ISO 27195:2011 is a technical standard that provides guidelines for writing in-depth technical articles. In this article, we will explore what this standard is and how it can be useful in improving the quality and effectiveness of technical writing.

2. Understanding EN ISO 27195:2011

EN ISO 27195:2011 is an international standard that sets forth principles and guidelines for writing technical articles. It covers various aspects such as structure, style, language, and referencing. The aim of this standard is to ensure that technical articles are clear, concise, and well-structured, making them easier to understand and follow.

One of the key components of EN ISO 27195:2011 is the importance of providing accurate and reliable information. Technical articles should be based on solid research and facts, with proper citations and references to support claims and findings. This helps build credibility and trust among readers, especially in fields where accuracy is crucial, such as science, engineering, and medicine.

3. Implementing EN ISO 27195:2011

Implementing the guidelines of EN ISO 27195:2011 requires attention to detail and careful planning. Here are some key points to consider:

3.1 Structure and Organization

An article should have a clear and logical structure that allows readers to easily navigate and find relevant information. This typically includes an introduction, methods or procedures, results or findings, discussion, and conclusion sections. Each section should be well-defined and provide necessary information to fulfill its purpose.

3.2 Language and Style

The language used in technical articles should be precise, avoiding ambiguity and unnecessary jargon. Sentences and paragraphs should be concise, with a clear focus on conveying information. Active voice is generally preferred over passive voice as it makes the article more engaging and straightforward.

3.3 References and Citations

Proper referencing is essential in technical articles to acknowledge sources and give credit to other scholars and researchers. References should be accurate, consistent, and follow a specific citation style, such as APA or IEEE. In-text citations should be used whenever necessary to support statements or provide evidence.

4. Conclusion

EN ISO 27195:2011 is an important standard that provides valuable guidelines for writing in-depth technical articles. By implementing these guidelines, writers can enhance the clarity, accuracy, and overall quality of their work. It promotes effective communication and knowledge sharing within various technical fields. Adhering to this standard not only benefits the writers but also the readers who rely on well-written technical articles for information and insights.



Contact: Nina She

Phone: +86-13751010017


Add: 1F Junfeng Building, Gongle, Xixiang, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

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