Technical Articles

What is EN ISO 14187:2021?

EN ISO 14187:2021 is a technical standard that was released by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 2021. It provides guidelines and specifications for the writing and documentation of technical articles, with a particular focus on ensuring thoroughness and accuracy in the content.

Importance of Thorough Technical Writing

Thorough technical writing is crucial in various industries, including engineering, information technology, and scientific research. Clear and comprehensive documentation allows for effective communication of ideas, procedures, and results, enabling better understanding and implementation of technical processes.

Thorough technical writing serves as a reference for professionals in the field, providing detailed instructions for the use, maintenance, and troubleshooting of complex systems or equipment. It helps eliminate ambiguity and reduces the risk of misinterpretation, leading to improved efficiency and safety.

Key Guidelines of EN ISO 14187:2021

EN ISO 14187:2021 outlines specific guidelines that writers should adhere to when preparing technical articles. These guidelines cover various aspects of technical writing, ensuring consistency, clarity, and completeness of the content.

One of the key guidelines highlighted in EN ISO 14187:2021 is the importance of using clear and unambiguous language. Technical jargon should be minimized, and complex concepts should be explained in a concise yet comprehensible manner. Additionally, sentences should be well-structured, and paragraphs should be logically organized to enable smooth flow of information.

Another significant aspect outlined in the standard is the inclusion of relevant illustrations, diagrams, and tables. Visual representations can enhance the understanding of complex ideas and data, making the article more accessible to a wider audience. Proper labeling and referencing of these visual aids are also emphasized in the guidelines.

Benefits of Following EN ISO 14187:2021

Adhering to EN ISO 14187:2021 can bring several benefits to both writers and readers of technical articles. By following the standard, writers can ensure that their content meets recognized quality benchmarks, enhancing their professional credibility and reputation.

For readers, articles written in accordance with EN ISO 14187:2021 provide assurance of thoroughness and accuracy, enabling them to rely on the information presented. This is particularly important in fields where technical knowledge plays a critical role, such as healthcare, engineering, and aerospace.

In conclusion, EN ISO 14187:2021 provides valuable guidance for writing thorough technical articles. Adhering to the standard's guidelines ensures clear communication, improved understanding, and enhanced professionalism. By following these guidelines, writers can produce high-quality technical documentation that serves as a reliable resource for professionals in their respective fields.



Contact: Nina She

Phone: +86-13751010017


Add: 1F Junfeng Building, Gongle, Xixiang, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

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