Technical Articles

What is EN ISO 3930:2018?

EN ISO 3930:2018 is a technical standard that provides a comprehensive guideline for evaluating the quality and authenticity of technical articles. This standard sets out the requirements and procedures for conducting thorough technical analysis and assessment.

Importance of EN ISO 3930:2018

EN ISO 3930:2018 plays a crucial role in ensuring the reliability and accuracy of technical articles. It establishes a common framework and criteria for evaluating various aspects, such as content relevance, scientific methodology, data interpretation, and language proficiency.

By adhering to this standard, authors can improve the consistency, credibility, and overall quality of their technical articles. Additionally, it enhances transparency and facilitates better comprehension, allowing readers to confidently rely on the information presented.

Main Components of EN ISO 3930:2018

The standard consists of several key components aimed at guiding authors in producing thorough and reliable technical articles:

1. Methodology: EN ISO 3930:2018 emphasizes the importance of using systematic and standardized methodologies during research and writing processes. This ensures that the articles are based on rigorous scientific principles and reproducible methods.

2. Quality Assurance: The standard highlights the significance of quality assurance. Authors are encouraged to employ multiple review cycles, peer feedback, and accuracy verification techniques to minimize errors and inconsistencies.

3. Language Proficiency: A vital element of any technical article is clear and concise language. EN ISO 3930:2018 stresses the need for authors to possess a high level of linguistic competence to effectively communicate complex ideas and concepts without ambiguity or confusion.

Benefits of Compliance with EN ISO 3930:2018

Adhering to the guidelines outlined in EN ISO 3930:2018 offers numerous benefits for both authors and readers. These include:

1. Enhanced Credibility: By following a standardized framework, technical articles become more reliable and credible, improving the author's reputation and ensuring readers trust the information provided.

2. Improved Clarity and Comprehension: The standard emphasizes the importance of clear and concise writing, which enhances the readability and understanding of the article, promoting effective knowledge transfer between the author and the reader.

3. Increased Consistency: EN ISO 3930:2018 encourages consistent application of scientific methodologies, language usage, and quality control techniques. This results in greater uniformity across technical articles, facilitating easier comparison and cross-referencing.

In conclusion, EN ISO 3930:2018 is an essential guideline for authors striving to deliver comprehensive and high-quality technical articles. It provides a structured approach to ensure that articles meet rigorous standards, enhancing credibility, clarity, and consistency throughout the technical writing process.



Contact: Nina She

Phone: +86-13751010017


Add: 1F Junfeng Building, Gongle, Xixiang, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

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