Technical Articles

Why are ISO standards not free


ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is an independent, non-governmental international organization that develops and publishes international standards. These standards cover a wide range of industries and sectors, providing guidance on best practices, quality management, safety regulations, and more. However, one question that often arises is why these ISO standards are not available for free.

The cost of development and maintenance

Creating and maintaining ISO standards involves significant resources, including extensive research, consultations with industry experts, and technical expertise. The process of developing a standard can take months or even years. Additionally, once a standard is published, it requires continuous updates and revisions to keep up with evolving technologies and industry needs. Therefore, charging a fee for ISO standards helps cover the costs associated with their development and maintenance.

Funding the independent nature of ISO

One of the key principles of ISO is its independence from any commercial or political interests. This independence ensures that ISO standards are objective, credible, and unbiased. In order to maintain this independence, ISO relies on funding from different sources, such as the sale of its standards. By charging a fee for standards, ISO can reduce its reliance on funding from governments or other organizations, thus safeguarding its integrity and independence.

Ensuring commitment and value

Charging a fee for ISO standards also helps ensure that those who utilize them are committed to implementing them effectively. It creates a sense of value and accountability, as organizations and individuals are more likely to invest time and resources into something they have paid for. This, in turn, encourages proper implementation and compliance with ISO standards, leading to better overall quality, safety, and performance in various industries.

In conclusion, while it may be understandable to desire free access to ISO standards, their cost is justified by the extensive resources required for their development and maintenance. Furthermore, charging a fee helps maintain the independence of ISO and ensures commitment from those who use these standards. The value provided by ISO standards goes beyond their cost, as they contribute to improved practices, safety, and quality in industries around the world.



Contact: Nina She

Phone: +86-13751010017


Add: 1F Junfeng Building, Gongle, Xixiang, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

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