Technical Articles

What is BS EN ISO 29436-1:2019 ?

Title: What is BS EN ISO 29436-1:2019 and EN ISO 27201:2019?

Technical writing plays a critical role in the effective communication of complex technical information. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of two important international standards that are relevant to technical writing: BS EN ISO 29436-1:2019 and EN ISO 27201:201We will discuss the key aspects of these standards, their importance in the field of technical writing, and their impact on the overall quality of technical publications.

What is BS EN ISO 29436-1:2019?

BS EN ISO 29436-1:2019 is an international standard that defines the requirements for writing technical articles in a clear and understandable manner. It provides guidelines to writers on how to effectively communicate complex technical information to their readers. The standard is divided into six parts, each covering a specific aspect of technical writing.

The main purpose of BS EN ISO 29436-1:2019 is to ensure that technical articles are written with clarity, precision, and coherence. It aims to facilitate effective communication between experts and non-experts in various industries. By following the guidelines outlined in this standard, writers can make their articles more accessible and comprehensible to a wider audience.

Key Guidelines for Technical Writing

BS EN ISO 29436-1:2019 provides several key guidelines for technical writing, including the use of clear and concise language, the importance of accuracy and completeness, and the need for consistency in writing style. It also emphasizes the use of appropriate citation styles and the importance of providing access to sources and citations.

What is EN ISO 27201:2019?

EN ISO 27201:2019 is a technical standard that provides guidelines and requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving an information security management system (ISMS) within the context of the organization. The standard is based on the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle and follows the high-level structure defined by Annex SL.

The purpose of EN ISO 27201:2019 is to help organizations protect their sensitive information from various internal and external threats. By implementing the standard's recommendations and requirements, organizations can establish a systematic approach to managing information security risks and achieve a higher level of confidence in their ability to effectively respond to incidents and prevent data breaches.

Key Elements of EN ISO 27201:2019

EN ISO 27201:2019 is built on the PDCA cycle and consists of four main elements: Policy, Plan, Action, and Review.

The Policy element outlines the organization's approach to information security management and its commitment to protecting sensitive information.

The Plan element outlines the steps that should be taken to implement and maintain the organization's information security management system.

The Action element outlines the specific actions that should be taken to implement the organization's information security management system.

The Review element outlines the process for reviewing and evaluating the effectiveness of the organization's information security management system.


Technical writing plays a critical role in the effective communication of complex technical information. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of two important international standards that are relevant to technical writing: BS EN ISO 29436-1:2019 and EN ISO 27201:201We have discussed the key aspects of these standards, their importance in the field of technical writing, and their impact on the overall quality of technical publications. By following the guidelines outlined in these standards, technical writers can ensure that their articles are written with clarity, precision, and coherence, and are more accessible and comprehensible to a wider audience.

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