Technical Articles

What is BS EN 16792:2020?

BS EN 16792:2020 is a technical standard that provides guidelines and requirements for writing thorough technical articles. This standard was developed by the British Standards Institution (BSI) and it is recognized internationally as a benchmark.

The Purpose of BS EN 16792:2020

The main purpose of BS EN 16792:2020 is to ensure clarity, consistency, and comprehensibility in technical articles. It aims to improve the quality of information presented, making it easier for readers to understand and apply the knowledge provided. The standard covers various aspects of technical writing such as structure, language, graphics, and referencing.

Key Components of BS EN 16792:2020

1. Structure: BS EN 16792:2020 outlines a recommended structure for technical articles, including sections such as introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. Adhering to this structure helps organize information effectively and allows readers to easily navigate through the article.

2. Language: The standard emphasizes the use of clear and concise language, avoiding jargon or unnecessary complexity. Sentences should be grammatically correct, and technical terms should be defined or explained when necessary. The tone should be professional and objective.

3. Graphics: BS EN 16792:2020 provides guidance on using graphics, such as charts, diagrams, and photographs, to enhance the understanding of complex concepts or data. Graphics should be labeled clearly, referenced appropriately, and integrated seamlessly with the text.

4. Referencing: Proper referencing is crucial in technical articles to acknowledge the sources of information and allow readers to access further details if needed. BS EN 16792:2020 recommends using recognized citation styles and provides guidelines on how to format references accurately.

Benefits of Following BS EN 16792:2020

Adhering to the guidelines outlined in BS EN 16792:2020 brings several benefits for both writers and readers of technical articles:

- Improved clarity and understanding: By following a standardized structure and using clear language, articles become easier to comprehend. This facilitates knowledge transfer and reduces the chances of misinterpretation or confusion.

- Enhanced professionalism: Technical articles written in accordance with BS EN 16792:2020 demonstrate a high level of professionalism and quality. This can enhance the writer's credibility and reputation among the target audience.

- Increased efficiency: The standard provides practical recommendations and best practices that can save time and effort during the writing process. It helps writers organize their thoughts and information effectively, streamlining the article creation process.

In conclusion, BS EN 16792:2020 is an important technical standard that sets guidelines for writing thorough technical articles. By adhering to this standard, writers can improve clarity, consistency, and comprehensibility in their articles, ultimately benefiting both themselves and their audience.



Contact: Nina She

Phone: +86-13751010017


Add: 1F Junfeng Building, Gongle, Xixiang, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

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