Title: Understanding EN 16247-2: 2019: A Technical Standard for Energy Audits
Personal protective equipment (PPE) is a critical aspect of workplace safety and security. With the increasing awareness of the importance of PPE, the need for standardized guidelines and testing methods for eye protection has become more prominent. In this article, we will focus on the technical details of EN 166: 2020, a European standard that specifies the requirements for eye protection products. Additionally, we will introduce EN 16247-2: 2019, a technical standard for energy audits, and its relevance to PPE.
EN 166: 2020: A Standard for Eye Protection
BS EN 166: 2020 is a European standard that outlines the specifications and testing methods for personal eye protectors. The standard applies to all types of eye protectors used for general occupational applications, including those designed to provide protection against optical radiation, liquid droplets, mechanical hazards, and more.
The standard defines various parameters to ensure the quality and performance of eye protectors. These include the field of vision, optical characteristics, resistance to ignition, robustness, compatibility with other PPE, and more. Manufacturers must comply with these requirements to obtain certification for their eye protectors.
EN 16247-2: 2019: A Technical Standard for Energy Audits
EN 16247-2: 2019 is a technical standard that provides guidelines for conducting energy audits in buildings. The standard is applicable to all types of buildings, including residential, commercial, and industrial.
The main purpose of EN 16247-2: 2019 is to help organizations evaluate their energy consumption, identify potential energy savings, and prioritize actions to reduce energy usage. By following the guidelines outlined in EN 16247-2: 2019, businesses can systematically assess the energy performance of their buildings and develop effective energy management strategies.
Key Elements of EN 16247-2: 2019
EN 16247-2: 2019 is based on the Energy Performance (EP) Model, which is a systematic approach to evaluating and improving energy performance. The standard consists of five energy management processes:
Identify: This process involves recognizing the energy needs and opportunities of the organization.
Measure: This process involves collecting data on energy usage and identifying areas for improvement.
Analyze: This process involves evaluating the data collected in the measurement phase and identifying root causes for energy consumption.
Develop: This process involves developing energy management strategies and plans to address the identified issues.
Monitor: This process involves monitoring the progress of the energy management strategies and ensuring continuous improvement.
In conclusion, EN 166: 2020 and EN 16247-2: 2019 are two important standards that impact the safety, security, and efficiency of personal protective equipment. Understanding the technical details of these standards is essential for manufacturers, users, and organizations to ensure the compliance with the required regulations and guidelines.
Contact: Nina She
Phone: +86-13751010017
E-mail: sales@china-gauges.com
Add: 1F Junfeng Building, Gongle, Xixiang, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China