Technical Articles

What is the difference between EN 62368-1 and EN 60950-1

In the field of electrical safety, various standards govern the safety requirements for different types of electronic equipment. Two widely recognized standards are EN 62368-1 and EN 60950-1. In this article, we will explore the key differences between these two standards and their impact on the design and certification of electronic devices.

Introduction to EN 62368-1

EN 62368-1, also known as IEC 62368-1, is a safety standard developed to address the convergence of audiovisual, information, and communication technologies. It is a technology-neutral standard that covers a wide range of electronic devices, including IT equipment, audio/video equipment, telecommunication equipment, and more. EN 62368-1 adopts a hazard-based approach, focusing on identifying potential hazards associated with the use of electronic devices and implementing appropriate safety measures to mitigate those risks.

of EN 60950-1

EN 60950-1, on the other hand, is a safety standard specifically intended for information technology equipment (ITE). It defines the safety requirements for devices such as computers, servers, routers, and switches, among others. Originally developed for traditional wired telecommunications networks, EN 60950-1 has evolved to encompass a broader range of ICT equipment. This standard places emphasis on preventing electric shock, fire, and other potential hazards that may arise during the normal operation of ITE.

Key Differences

One of the main differences between EN 62368-1 and EN 60950-1 lies in their approach to safety. While EN 62368-1 follows a hazard-based approach, EN 60950-1 adopts a prescriptive approach. This means that EN 62368-1 focuses on identifying potential hazards and specifying safety objectives, allowing manufacturers to choose the appropriate design and safety measures to achieve those objectives. On the other hand, EN 60950-1 provides specific requirements and tests that must be met to ensure compliance with the standard.

Another significant difference is the scope of the two standards. EN 62368-1 covers a wider range of electronic devices beyond traditional IT equipment, including audio and video devices, telecommunications equipment, and more. In contrast, EN 60950-1 is specifically tailored for information technology equipment.

Implications for Manufacturers

For manufacturers, the adoption of EN 62368-1 may require a shift in their design and testing processes. The hazard-based approach allows for greater flexibility in choosing safety measures, which can lead to innovative product designs. However, it also places a greater responsibility on manufacturers to thoroughly analyze potential hazards and determine the most appropriate mitigation strategies.

Additionally, certification requirements may differ between the two standards. Products complying with EN 62368-1 often require a transition from the previous ITE standard, while products certified under EN 60950-1 may need to undergo a re-evaluation if they are intended for use outside the scope of ICT equipment as defined by the standard.

In conclusion, EN 62368-1 and EN 60950-1 are two important safety standards governing different types of electronic equipment. While EN 62368-1 offers a hazard-based approach and has a broader scope, EN 60950-1 follows a prescriptive approach and focuses specifically on IT equipment. Manufacturers should carefully consider the requirements of each standard to ensure compliance and guarantee the safety of their products in the market.



Contact: Nina She

Phone: +86-13751010017


Add: 1F Junfeng Building, Gongle, Xixiang, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

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