Technical Articles

What is the difference between ISO and EN ISO ?

Title: Understanding the Differences Between ISO and EN ISO: A Guide to Adopting International Standards

Standards are essential tools for ensuring consistency, safety, and quality in various industries. Two of the most widely recognized standards are ISO and EN ISO. While both standards are derived from ISO, there are significant differences between them. In this article, we will explore the key differences between ISO and EN ISO and provide an overview of their scopes, applicability, and endorsement processes.

I. Differences Between ISO and EN ISO

A. Scope of Applicability

ISO standards have a global scope and can be implemented by any country or organization. On the other hand, EN ISO standards are specifically adopted and implemented within the European Union and its associated members.

B. Endorsement Process

ISO standards undergo a consensus-based endorsement process involving participation from various stakeholders worldwide. In contrast, EN ISO standards undergo additional scrutiny and endorsement by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) before acceptance as European norms.

II. The Role ofEN ISO

A. European Normal (EN) and ISO

EN ISO is derived from ISO standards and is given an "EN" prefix to indicate its compliance with European requirements. The purpose of EN ISO is to harmonize and facilitate the application of ISO standards within the European Union and associated countries.

B.EN ISO's Role in Harmonization

EN ISO plays a crucial role in the harmonization of ISO standards within the European Union. As a European standard, EN ISO is expected to align with the EU's regulatory requirements. This helps to ensure consistency in the implementation of European Union policies and initiatives.

III. How to Adopt EN ISO

A. Adopting EN ISO

To adopt EN ISO, a company or organization must first determine if it is eligible to participate in the EN ISO development process. If eligible, the company or organization should identify the relevant scope and standard(s) and inform the relevant certification body.

B. The Encounter Process

Once a company or organization has identified the relevant scope and standard(s), it should initiate the EN ISO development process. This process typically involves the following steps:

Identify stakeholders and their roles.

Establish the scope and requirements for the new standard.

Conduct a technical review to ensure the standard aligns with the organization's goals and objectives.

Prepare a technical report that outlines the technical details and requirements of the new standard.

Submit the technical report and other required documents to the relevant certification body.

The certification body will review the technical report and ensure the new standard meets the organization's requirements.

Upon acceptance, the organization can implement the new standard and use the EN ISO certification to demonstrate compliance.

IV. Conclusion

ISO and EN ISO are two widely recognized standards that provide specifications and guidelines for various industries. While both standards are based on ISO, they have distinct differences in their scopes, applicability, and endorsement processes. Adopting EN ISO can be a valuable tool for harmonizing and facilitating the application of ISO standards within the European Union and its associated countries. For companies and organizations interested in adopting EN ISO, it is essential to understand the differences between ISO and EN ISO and follow the appropriate enrollment process.

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