Technical Articles

What is ISO/TR 80002-1: 2016 ?

Title: Understanding ISO/TR 80002-1: 2016: The Ultimate Guide for Healthcare IT Implementation

ISO/TR 80002-1: 2016 is a crucial standard for healthcare organizations that aim to integrate and implement IT systems. This standard is developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and specifically focuses on the management of risk associated with the integration and use of medical devices, software applications, and networks. In this article, we will delve into the key features and components of ISO/TR 80002-1: 2016 and provide a comprehensive guide for healthcare IT implementation.

What is ISO 80001-1: 2016?

ISO 80001-1: 2016 is a technical standard developed by the ISO that provides guidelines for the implementation of IT systems in healthcare organizations. This standard specifically focuses on the management of risk associated with the integration and use of medical devices, software solutions, and network infrastructure. The main purpose of ISO 80001-1: 2016 is to ensure the safe and effective use of IT systems in healthcare settings while minimizing the potential risks that can arise from the interconnectedness of medical devices, software solutions, and network infrastructure.

Key Features of ISO 80001-1: 2016

ISO 80001-1: 2016 provides several key features to enhance the safe and effective use of IT systems in healthcare settings. These features include:

* Risk management: The standard provides guidelines for healthcare organizations to identify, assess, and mitigate risks associated with the integration and use of medical devices, software solutions, and network infrastructure.

* Compliance: The standard encourages healthcare organizations to demonstrate compliance with relevant regulations and legal requirements.

* Documentation: The standard emphasizes the importance of documenting the integration and use of IT systems in healthcare settings, including the management of risks.

* Communication: The standard promotes effective communication between healthcare organizations, stakeholders, and suppliers to manage risks associated with the integration and use of IT systems.

* Continuous improvement: The standard encourages healthcare organizations to continuously assess, improve, and update their IT systems to minimize potential risks.

Key Components of ISO 80001-1: 2016

ISO 80001-1: 2016 is composed of several key components, including:

* ISO 80001-1: 2016: 2016 - The standard that outlines the requirements for an information security management system (ISMS).

* ISO 27001-1: 2013 - The standard that outlines the requirements for an information technology (IT) management system (ITMS).

* ISO 27002-1: 2013 - The standard that outlines the requirements for a compliance management system (CMS).

* ISO 14921-1: 2015 - The standard that outlines the requirements for an information technology service management (ITSM) system.

* ISO 15401-1: 2015 - The standard that outlines the requirements for an IT service management (ITSM) system.

* ISO 27003 - The standard that outlines the requirements for a privacy management system (PMS).

How to Implement ISO/TR 80002-1: 2016 in Healthcare IT?

Implementing ISO/TR 80002-1: 2016 in healthcare IT involves several steps:

* Identify the relevant risks: Healthcare organizations should conduct a risk assessment to identify potential risks associated with the integration and use of IT systems.

* Develop an IT security management system: Healthcare organizations should develop an IT security management system based on ISO 27001-1: 2013 to manage the risks identified in the risk assessment.

* Implement the IT security management system: Healthcare organizations should implement the IT security management system developed in step 2 to minimize the potential risks associated with the integration and use of IT systems.

* Communicate and maintain: Healthcare organizations should communicate with stakeholders, including patients, regulators, and suppliers, to maintain transparency and ensure compliance with relevant regulations and legal requirements.


ISO/TR 80002-1: 2016 is an essential standard for healthcare IT implementation. By implementing this standard, healthcare organizations can.



Contact: Nina She

Phone: +86-13751010017


Add: 1F Junfeng Building, Gongle, Xixiang, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

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