Technical Articles

What is EN ISO 26647:2011 ?

EN ISO 26647:2011 and EN ISO 26388:2011 are both international standards that play a significant role in ensuring quality, safety, and compliance within various industries. EN ISO 23647:2011 pertains to a specific field or industry, while EN ISO 26388:2011 focuses on the collection and analysis of human data in genetic research.

EN ISO 23647:2011 is an international standard that establishes guidelines, requirements, and specifications for various processes within the relevant industry. The primary objective of this standard is to establish common standards, improve efficiency, enhance safety measures, and minimize potential risks. By adhering to this standard, organizations can ensure the quality of their products or services and maintain consistency across different operations.

EN ISO 26388:2011 is an international standard that provides guidelines for the collection and analysis of human data in genetic research. The purpose of this standard is to establish a consistent framework for collecting human data in genetic studies, aiming to enhance the credibility and comparability of research findings.

EN ISO 26388:2011 addresses several important aspects, including participant recruitment, privacy protection, sample handling, and data management. These guidelines are crucial in maintaining data integrity and minimizing errors or biases that may arise during the research process.

EN ISO 26647:2011 and EN ISO 26388:2011 are important international standards that provide guidelines for various industries to ensure quality, safety, and compliance. Adhering to these standards is essential for maintaining consistency, accuracy, and integrity in various fields, including genetics research.



Contact: Nina She

Phone: +86-13751010017


Add: 1F Junfeng Building, Gongle, Xixiang, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

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