Technical Articles

What is BS EN ISO 25052:2012

In the field of technology and engineering, standards play a crucial role in ensuring safety, interoperability, and efficiency. One such standard is BS EN ISO 25052:2012, which focuses on providing guidelines for evaluating the quality of machine translation output. This article will provide an in-depth understanding of the technical aspects of BS EN ISO 25052:2012.

Scope and Purpose

BS EN ISO 25052:2012 defines specific parameters and methods to assess the quality of translated texts generated by machine translation systems. The standard aims to provide a framework for comparing different machine translation engines and evaluating their performance based on accuracy, fluency, and adequacy measures.

The scope of BS EN ISO 25052:2012 includes both statistical and rule-based machine translation systems. It covers various languages and domains, allowing its application to a wide range of translation scenarios.

Quality Evaluation Measures

One of the key components of BS EN ISO 25052:2012 is the establishment of quality evaluation measures. These measures are designed to assess the machine-translated output objectively and quantitatively. The standard suggests the use of both automatic and human evaluation methods.

Automatic evaluation measures include metrics like BLEU (Bilingual Evaluation Understudy), NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), METEOR (Metric for Evaluation of Translation with Explicit ORdering), and TER (Translation Edit Rate). These metrics analyze the similarity between the machine-generated translations and reference translations, providing insights into the quality of the output.

Human evaluation methods, on the other hand, involve subjective assessments by human evaluators who rank translations based on factors such as adequacy, fluency, and overall quality. These evaluations help in validating the machine translation output in real-world applications.

Benefits and Application

BS EN ISO 25052:2012 offers numerous benefits to various stakeholders involved in the machine translation industry. For developers and providers of machine translation systems, this standard provides a framework for quality assurance and performance evaluation. It enables them to identify areas of improvement and make necessary modifications to enhance the accuracy and fluency of their translations.

Translation buyers can also benefit from BS EN ISO 25052:2012 by using it as a reference when selecting machine translation service providers. The standard allows them to compare different systems objectively and choose the one that best suits their requirements.

Additionally, researchers and academia can use BS EN ISO 25052:2012 as a basis for conducting experiments and further advancing the field of machine translation. It promotes continuous research and development, ultimately leading to improved translation algorithms and techniques.



Contact: Nina She

Phone: +86-13751010017


Add: 1F Junfeng Building, Gongle, Xixiang, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

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