Technical Articles

What is ISO/IEC TR 30379:2013 ?

Title: Understanding ISO/IEC TR 30379:2013 for Effective Technical Writing

ISO/IEC TR 30379:2013 is an essential standard for technical writers, editors, and publishers. This international standard provides guidelines for writing easy-to-understand technical articles that are both informative and engaging. With the increasing use of the internet and digital media, the demand for high-quality technical content has never been greater. By understanding the key features and requirements of ISO/IEC TR 30379:2013, you can create more effective and efficient technical content that meets the needs of your audience.

What is ISO/IEC TR 30379:2013?

ISO/IEC TR 30379:2013 is a technical report published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). The standard provides guidelines for writing easy-to-understand technical articles that are both informative and engaging. The goal of ISO/IEC TR 30379:2013 is to promote consistency, clarity, and readability in technical writing, which is essential for effective communication and understanding.

The Importance of Writing Easy-to-Understand Technical Articles

In today's digital age, technical content is more important than ever before. With the increasing use of the internet and digital media, the demand for high-quality technical content has never been greater. Effective technical writing is critical for creating accurate, easy-to-understand, and engaging content that meets the needs of your audience.

ISO/IEC TR 30379:2013 provides a framework for writing effective technical articles that are both informative and engaging. By following the guidelines and recommendations in this standard, you can create technical content that is clear, concise, and easy to understand. This is essential for promoting effective communication, which is critical for achieving the goals of your content.

Key Features and Requirements of ISO/IEC TR 30379:2013

ISO/IEC TR 30379:2013 is a comprehensive standard that provides guidelines for writing easy-to-understand technical articles. The standard is divided into two parts, ISO/IEC 200270:2017 and ISO/IEC 200271:2017, which cover the technical aspects of writing and the guidelines for writing, respectively.

ISO/IEC TR 30379:2013 provides a number of key features and requirements that are essential for creating effective technical content. These include:

* Clear and concise writing: The standard emphasizes the importance of clear and concise writing that is easy to understand. Technical content should be organized into clear and logical sections, with each section containing a specific topic or theme.

* Use of technical language: The standard emphasizes the importance of using technical language that accurately reflects the subject matter. Technical terms should be defined and explained, and the language should be kept simple and avoiding jargon.

* Avoiding errors and inconsistencies: The standard emphasizes the importance of avoiding errors and inconsistencies in technical writing. This includes using the same format and style for headings, subheadings, and text, and using consistent terminology throughout the document.

* Providing examples and case studies: The standard emphasizes the importance of providing examples and case studies to illustrate key concepts and principles. This can help readers better understand the subject matter and provide a better reference for further research.


ISO/IEC TR 30379:2013 is an essential standard for technical writers, editors, and publishers. By understanding the key features and requirements of this standard, you can create more effective and efficient technical content that meets the needs of your audience. By following the guidelines and recommendations in ISO/IEC TR 30379:2013, you can create technical content that is clear, concise, and easy to understand, which is critical for promoting effective communication and achieving the goals of your content.

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